Instructor Refresher Seminar voor FI/IRI/CRI
Thu, 19 May
Ostend Air College is organising an FI/IRI/CRI refresher seminar. This seminar will be focussing on CBTA & ICAO pilot core competencies, Intervention techniques & critical failures during flight instruction.
Time & Location
19 May 2022, 09:00 – 20 May 2022, 16:00
Oostende, Nieuwpoortsesteenweg 945/B, 8400 Oostende, Belgium
About the event
The program contains:
Day 1:
0900-1000: Welcome & Intro + Changes in legislation (KSA – UPRT)
1000-1030: License – revalidation by instructors
1030-1200: Refresher teaching & Learning (Part 1 of 2)
1300-1400: Refresher teaching & Learning (Part 2 of 2)
1400-1500: CBTA & Pilot Core Competencies
1500-1600: Instructor core competencies (Terug gekoppeld and teaching & Learning)
Day 2:
0900-1000: Fly with the iPad (How to instruct using the modern navigation technology)
1000-1100: Update/refresher PBN (with focus on cold weather)
1100-1200: Intervention Techniques at low level & during MEP instruction
1300-1400: Airmanship: Lessons learned from an Engine Failure on a SEP during an dual instruction flight.
1400-1600: Facilitated de-briefing techniques